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Restructuring Services

Rapid Growth

Restructuring and business transformation is not all about downsizing. Businesses going through rapid growth also have the requirement to restructure people, process and technology. The adrenalin of rapid growth has its challenges as your people adapt to the moving playing field. How quickly you can adapt is the key to capitalising on growth opportunities.

We support businesses with the strategies to minimise the pains rapid growth can impose on a business.


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Market Shift

When market dynamics change suddenly due to global or local shifts, how quickly you respond and adapt can mean the difference between staying in business or becoming a statistic. This requires reviewing your core business, analysing the business and market dynamics, developing commercial strategy, assessing the people structure to deliver services and then making some tough decisions. Speed under these circumstances is a critical success factor.

We support your senior team by asking the challenging questions, advising on organisational design, developing the appropriate consultation and selection processes. Critical to the success of any restructure is our support in developing the change management and communication plans to enable a smooth transition to the new business.


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In today's competitive economic environment businesses need to maintain and increase profit levels, deliver on shareholder ROI and enterprise value.

The highest cost to business in Australia and New Zealand are labour costs. Restructuring to reduce the cost base can be a challenge as what appears as a reduction on a spread sheet can create negative impacts on service, process and productivity. Just looking at the labour factor is short sighted we also support you to develop: productivity improvement initiatives; asset based cost reductions; growth and higher margin opportunities.

We support you in reviewing cost structures, the practical impacts of reducing labour, we then assist with the development of a comprehensive restructure plan. When it comes to implementation and transition we are there every step of the way.


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New Technology

When calculating enterprise value the strength of internal systems is a significant factor. Unless companies are reviewing the cost of production/service and looking at ways to improve productivity you are not competitive. When introducing new technology there are the many challenges of managing the change process as well as reducing the number of people, while creating commitment to the new system.

The move to artificial intelligence AI will revolutionise how we structure our organisations. We support you in the next generation of business improvement.


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Mergers & Acquisitions

In today's marketplace it is always a difficult challenge to continue to grow your business through organic growth. One way to increase market share and reduce your cost base is to acquire or merge with another Company which adds to and compliments your existing business. Again, the efficiencies and cost savings on paper are quite a challenge to achieve in reality and many mergers and acquisitions fail to deliver real shareholder value in the short term because of poor planning and integration. How do you retain the intellectual property and knowledge base of the acquired or merged business? How do you select the “A Team”? How do you merge cultures, processes and systems? There are just a few of the critical elements to be considered.

At Company Restructure we support businesses to navigate these challenges because one plus one doesn't always equal two, and doing the "right things right" is a critical success factor towards future success.


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Fine Tuning

At times you need to refresh departments with changes to process and people capability required. What made sense twelve months ago doesn’t now. It may not impact many people but the impacts are significant to the department concerned. How will work be redistributed? What knowledge and intellectual property will be lost? How will decisions get made? How do we communicate with the team? We develop the approach with you and support you through the challenging steps of implementation.


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